Humans of Rockhurst High: Damon Ross

“I want to be a doctor because I broke my leg the beginning of football season and I learned a lot of things about the medical field from the experience. I started taking physiology this year, and it’s really interesting. I started thinking maybe I could do this for a living. My parents have been encouraging me since I was a freshman to get into … Continue reading Humans of Rockhurst High: Damon Ross

Dear Josh: Column #3

Rockhurst’s favorite solitary advice column returns once again. Due to the large number of submissions, some questions were set aside for Dear Josh: Vol 4. Enjoy! Q: Why do white trucks pull out in front of red mustangs? A: Reader, I am shocked and appalled by this heinous act. It infuriates me that even in 2016 our society is plagued by white elitists, even in … Continue reading Dear Josh: Column #3

Q & A: Rockhurst English teacher Mr. Lawlor discusses his podcast

To view the 250 word front page feature story on Mr. Sean Lawlor and his podcast, pick up the most recent print edition of the Prep News. Q: Who originally brought up the idea of a podcast? A: It rose organically in conversation with my friend Matt, a close friend of mine since we attended DeSmet together. We were hanging out in Cincinnati in the … Continue reading Q & A: Rockhurst English teacher Mr. Lawlor discusses his podcast

Humans of Rockhurst: Debut Edition

Read the debut edition of “Humans of Rockhurst High” by Josh O’Dell, Managing Editor of the Prep News. Josh plans on using this column to highlight the uniqueness in our student body, a diversity of opinions, and our students’ struggles. Damien Cortes “I want to be a doctor when I grow up because I feel like I could help a lot of people. I don’t … Continue reading Humans of Rockhurst: Debut Edition

Seniors compete in Tough Mudder competition

Three Rockhurst High School students competed in a Tough Mudder race on Saturday, October 8. Three seniors, Errett Mackey, Luke Kuklenski and Reed Slaymaker were able to complete the race at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia, Kansas. The Tough Mudder is a 10-12 mile trace made up of several obstacles, ranging from mud crawls to a field of tasers. Coming off an ACL tear, … Continue reading Seniors compete in Tough Mudder competition