Looking Ahead – Rockhurst Basketball

Rockhurst Basketball is one of the most popular sports at Rockhurst in both student attendance and student participation. Rockhurst’s skill level and student engagement will definitely look different this year. Coach Campbell and the Hawklets will look at the disappointing season last year and hope to capitalize on it, being a Senior-led team. Junior Miles White, Seniors Mason Thompson, John-Michael Gyllenborg, and Ben Walsh all planning to return, Rockhurst has as good a shot as any to take home the championship title this year.

When asked about the season, starting Junior Miles White said, “It’ll definitely be tough this year. I know we’re losing some key pieces, but if we commit to the grind we can pull in a Chip.” As of right now, MSHSAA is planning on having the Missouri Basketball season. However, fans are extremely unlikely, and even the concept of masks during the season is undecided. But no matter what restrictions and guidelines COVID-19 , Rockhurst is poised to have another successful season.

Losing Seniors Tommy Eckles, Samuel Seymour, Sean Herrington and Tommy Eckles will definitely hurt our depth and center position, but we are hoping that Seniors Daniel Owens, Forrest Fox, and Junior Parker Williams will fill that hole. Words can’t describe the excitement and the buzz in the air that Rockhurst players are feeling for the basketball season. While the loss of fans might make the East and Miege games less entertaining, the win is all that matters.

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